Express Entry

Express Entry is a system that enables the Canadian government to quickly and efficiently select and process skilled immigrants based on the country’s economic needs. The system, originally launched in 2015, ranks applicants using a comprehensive scoring system called CRS. Those with the highest scores receive an invitation for permanent residency. This system ensures transparency, speed and justice in the Canadian immigration process.

What are the benefits of Canada Express Entry?


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The Express Entry scoring system is transparent and clear, allowing applicants to increase their chances of receiving an invitation by obtaining the required score.

High Speed

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The immigration process through Express Entry is faster compared to traditional methods, and if you have a high score, you can obtain permanent residency in Canada within 6 to 12 months.

Reasonable Cost

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The migration costs through Express Entry are lower compared to some other immigration methods to Canada, such as lower investment programs.


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This system is suitable for individuals with various conditions, including single, married, with or without children, and with or without work experience.

Express Entry Programs


Federal Skilled Worker Program

This program is suitable for skilled people with work experience in Canada’s in-demand jobs.


Federal Skilled Trades Program

Issued to employees with specialized skills.


Canadian Experience Class

This program is suitable for people with work experience in Canada.

Canadian Express Entry requirements

Eligibility requirements for Express Entry include education level, relevant work experience, English or French language skills and other adaptability factors such as work experience or study in Canada. These criteria help the Government of Canada identify people who have the greatest potential for economic success in Canada. Applicants must first check their eligibility through an online assessment in order to participate in Express Entry.

The necessary documents for an express entry include the following:

  • English or French
  • Degrees
  • Work experience
  • Valid passport
  • Police Clearance Certificate
  • financial ability
  • Medical documents